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As I sit in this room, how do I feel?
Reflecting, Where do i get my next meal?
I sit here in fear of losing whats left of my wealth,
Scared to go out - in fear of my health.

The world, trapped with the corona virus,
Waiting impatiantly to hug all of us.
Some of our leaders are sure and clear,
While the rest cause us to live in fear.

Will i be the next one to die?
Makes me shiver with no word of a lie.
I feel this is the wrath of god,
Not just us but also all abroad.

We need this moment to sit down and think,
Are we at fault, did we cause this stink.
The world polution has now also dropped,
For now most transport has stopped.

Jobs are being Lost,
Compassion from most has emerged, But at what cost.
The NHS, Drivers, Postal Services to name a few,
True angels and saints this is so true.

No fear for the lives,
These (Heroes) husbands and wifes.
Their sacrifices we must never forget,
But the government will, this we must not let.

Stay at home, do not go out,
Yet there are some, this, they will flout.
With heavy heart and tears in my eyes,
When I learn some loved ones are saying their goodbyes.

Sacrifices, death, poverty is all I hear,
How will this stop, when will this stop, or this I will in fear.
How many more lives must we lose,
Before you learn staying at home is the only option we must choose.

After darkness there will be light,
Keep up this mantra so we do not lose sight.
Pulling together is a must,
We are links in a chain that will never rust.

When every nationality, colour or creed are sacrifising with their lives in this land,
When this is over we must hold their hand
They have shown they are an asset in this place,
These people, of every race.

Respect for all is what we need,
Love for all we need to sow this seed.
Not hatred but all together in this land,
There is only one place my heart needs to be, and that is Bonnie Scotland.

As I sit in this room how do i feel,
Numb and lost is how i feel.
Laugh out loud even if you cant,
Thats how i feel, I have had my rant.




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